October 16th Virtual Worship

The Order of Worship
The Bells Call Us To Worship
Call to Worship
Hymn of Adoration
Confession of Sin
Assurance of Pardon
Greeting of Peace
Scripture Reading: Luke 18:1-8
A Message to Children
Worship in Music
Pastoral Prayer & The Lord's Prayer
Hymn of Reflection
Sermon: Ask Boldly, Live Justly
Hymn of Parting
On Eagle's Wings

Music Ministry Team:  Kristin Petty, Dwight Huntley, Jenna Crafts

Worship Team:  Sarah Haas, Marc Hayden

Technology Team:  Michael Kendall, Mark Raker, Jerry Weissinger

If you wish to see more information about giving or to checkout our new Online Giving process, visit our GIVING page.

Key Notes from the reading & sermon:

Ask Boldly, Live Justly

Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart. He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor had respect for people. In that city there was a widow who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Grant me justice against my opponent.’ For a while he refused; but later he said to himself, ‘Though I have no fear of God and no respect for anyone, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her justice, so that she may not wear me out by continually coming.’” And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them? I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them. And yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

[Reading above - Luke 18:1-8]

Jesus contrasts the justice that comes from God with the evil actions of the unjust judge. Unlike the judge who only does the right thing to avoid the persistent protestations of a widow, God acts out of love for creation. This love has been demonstrated in the previous chapter (and in many other accounts in the gospels!) in the story of Jesus’ healing of the ten lepers (17:11-19). The emphasis of the teaching becomes clear at the conclusion of the parable with the questions Jesus asks:

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Will not God grant justice to his chosen? Yes, for God is just by nature!

  2. Will God delay long in helping the chosen? No, God is abounding in mercy and steadfast in love!

  3. Will the Son of Man find faith on earth? That is the question that each of us will answer by our thoughts, words, and actions!

A Spiritual Practice to Try

Identify the injustice that pricks your conscience. Repent of this injustice by turning to God and asking to be transformed from your unjust ways. Take a step in faith to put things right. Pray for faithfulness to continue along this path of justice until real change is demonstrated in your own life and in the influence you exercise.

A Practice to Deepening Discipleship

Incorporate a faith journal in your spiritual practice. Use the journal as a way to:

  • jot down needs and blessings with words or drawings or pictures

  • respond to the questions for reflection in the sermon notes

  • make notes about the weekly scripture lessons and sermons

  • create a to-do list of discipleship actions

  • list questions you want to explore

  • write prayers, stories, poems, or letters

  • be creative!

If you need some guidance or support, you may reach me at pastormarc.friedensucc@outlook.com

Video Recordings (Recorded Live)

Pastor Marc Hayden

Marc brings a lot of experience to his work at Friedens UCC, along with a passion to continue to learn and add value to the practice of pastoral ministry.  Marc is committed to living his gifts by engaging in ministry on a team. He enjoys collaborating with the church staff and Council of Ministry Leaders to advance Friedens’ mission of sharing the love of Christ with all people.  Marc is a husband, father and grandfather who invests significant time and energy in these important relationships. You can reach Marc at 317-490-8084 or at PastorMarc.FriedensUCC@Outlook.com.


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