March 22nd Virtual Worship
The Order of Worship
Order | Facilitator |
Prelude Canzona in E Minor by Zipoli | Dwight |
The Bells Call Us to Worship | Dwight |
Welcome and Call to Worship | Marc (Kristin shares music choices) |
Important Stewardship Message | Bill Richmond |
Hymn of Adoration Christ is Made the Sure Foundation vs. 1, 2, & 3 | Dwight & Matthew |
A Message to Children | Sarah |
Response: Jesus Loves Me | Dwight & Matthew |
Pastoral Prayer & The Lord's Prayer | Sarah |
Hear Our Prayer | Dwight & Matthew |
Worship in Music Angel of Charity arr. by Hiles from Handel | Dwight & Matthew |
Special Music | Tamalynn |
Doxology | Dwight & Matthew |
Scripture Reading Mark 12: 41-44 | Sarah |
Hymn of Reflection Great is Thy Faithfulness vs. 1 & 3 | Dwight & Matthew |
Sermon: Cross Priorities, True Generosity | Marc |
Hymn of Parting God of Grace and God of Glory vs. 1 & 2 | Dwight & Matthew |
Commissioning and Benediction | Marc |
On Eagles' Wings | Dwight & Matthew |
Postlude Little Fugue in G Minor by Bach | Dwight |
Key Notes from the reading & sermon:
She out of her poverty has put in everything she had.
When crisis strikes we are tempted to hoard what we think is essential? Jesus suggests a different strategy: sharing so everyone has enough
Questions for Reflection:
What do your actions reflect about who you trust? What do you have to share?
Both Audio and Video Recordings are available below.
Audio Recordings
Video Recordings
![Prelude & The Bells Call Us To Worship](
![Welcome and Call to Worship](
![Kristin Welcome](
![Important Stewardship Message](
![Hymn of Adoration](
![A Message to Children](
![Jesus Loves Me](
![Pastoral Prayer](
![Prayer Response](
![Angel of Charity](
![Special Music](
![Praise God](
![Scripture Reading](
![Great is Thy Faithfulness](
![God of Grace](
![Eagles Wings](
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