Pastor’s Paragraph - August 20, 2020
Joy is Fruit of the Spirit
I recently completed auditing a course from Yale University called The Science of Happiness. It was based on a lot of research, part of which was the basis for a book The Science of Happier Spending by Elizabeth Dunn. You can get a quick highlight of her ideas on her Ted Talk. All of this reminded me of the Christian concepts set out by Richard Foster. Foster claims that one of the disciplines of the Christian is choosing simplicity for our lives.
Joy is Fruit of the Spirit
I recently completed auditing a course from Yale University called The Science of Happiness. It was based on a lot of research, part of which was the basis for a book The Science of Happier Spending by Elizabeth Dunn. You can get a quick highlight of her ideas on her Ted Talk. All of this reminded me of the Christian concepts set out by Richard Foster. Foster claims that one of the disciplines of the Christian is choosing simplicity for our lives.
In a nutshell the science of happiness states that we often expect happiness to come from making more money, having more things, and advancing in a career. These, of course, are not bad achievements but In reality, according to huge amounts of research, these accomplishments provide shorter lived happiness. Not only are these accomplishments less fulfilling but our minds reinforce these false happiness beliefs with unreliable predictions that success gives the greater happiness.
One study in particular measured the happiness people received when they were given money but told they had to give it away. The pleasure they received from giving away money was significant in intensity as well as being long lasting. Foster also mentions the habit of giving things away as a key to simplicity.
One way we can intentionally transition to more fulfilling accomplishments is through habit formation. So, according to the research, we need to: seek and invest in experiences that include character strength, morals, kindness, connections, and compassion. We also need to reinforce these desires by savoring the experiences and being aware of our gratitude for them.
I find great spiritual peace in finding that psychological research often is in agreement with spiritual wisdom. The difference between the two is that we are seeking and experiencing joy for Christ-likeness rather than for personal fulfillment.
Gal. 5: 22-3: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Pastor’s Paragraph - August 13, 2020
In the last few weeks, I have heard a number of conversations about tender-hearted living, courageous living, or living from our core in many different places and circles. What does tender-hearted living, courageous living, or living from your core mean to you?
In the last few weeks, I have heard a number of conversations about tender-hearted living, courageous living, or living from our core in many different places and circles. What does tender-hearted living, courageous living, or living from your core mean to you? If you'd like to share what it means to you and/or how you experience it, I'd be excited to hear from you. Please feel free to email me at the new email -
When I think of courage and tender-hearted living, two Bible passages come to mind:
"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36:26
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
Knowing that God is with me wherever we go, helps me to trust in God and rest in God. In being grounded and rooted in God's faithfulness and steadfast love, we can open our hearts. We can ask God to continue to create tender hearts within us. Are there spiritual practices that help you lean into the beautiful possibilities of tender-hearted living that God offers us in each moment?
The spiritual practice of examen helps me to work towards tender-hearted living. For me, the spiritual practice of examen involves asking God's Spirit to help me reflect upon the day or part of the day. Taking time to reflect, opens opportunities for me to express gratitude for experiences that I may have overlooked in the moment, and it creates space for me to see and feel places where my ego got in the way of my heart. Examen helps me humbly confess my own sins and my need for God's transforming grace. Sometimes this practice happens for me in the quiet and other times on the move. Thanks be to God that God's mercies are always present. We can rejoice in the unconditional love of God! May you feel this love holding you, surrounding you, filling you, encouraging you, and moving you as we journey together. You are prayed for. You are loved!
With gratitude for you,
Pastor’s Paragraph - August 6, 2020
Charles de Foucauld is a saint of the church who lived from 1858-1916. Born into a wealthy French family he lost his way as a young man when his parents died, leaving him with great sadness, no firm direction and too many resources at his disposal. A life pursuing self-centered desires brought him to a place of emptiness. Not knowing what else to do, he joined the French Army…
Charles de Foucauld is a saint of the church who lived from 1858-1916. Born into a wealthy French family he lost his way as a young man when his parents died, leaving him with great sadness, no firm direction and too many resources at his disposal. A life pursuing self-centered desires brought him to a place of emptiness. Not knowing what else to do, he joined the French Army, which offered some desperately needed structure and discipline. His military career took him to Algeria, where he discovered a call to faith in the devotion and purpose he witnessed in the Moslem people of that region. Charles left the military and while exploring Morocco had a mystical experience of Christ that focused his life on discipleship. Over time he became a priest devoted to contemplative prayer and a simple life serving the poor in imitation of Christ.
The sense of belonging, meaning and purpose he found so elusive as a young man in a life of wealth and pleasure was finally fulfilled in devotion to loving God by loving others. Charles is remembered for a simple prayer that was the foundation of his spiritual life:
O God, I abandon myself into your hands, do with me what you will. Whatever you may do, I thank you; I am ready for all, I accept all. Let only your will be done in me, and in all your creatures. I wish no more than this, O Lord. Into your hands I commend my soul; I offer it to you with all the love of my heart, for I love you, Lord, and so need to give myself, to surrender myself into your hands without reserve, and with boundless confidence, for you are my Savior. Amen.
What a brave expression of commitment!
I wonder what changes we might experience if we made this our daily prayer?
I wonder what sense of purpose and meaning we might discover in our lives with a deeper commitment to loving God by loving others?
Might this be a path toward healing in our divided world?
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Marc
Pastor’s Paragraph - July 30, 2020
The Dark Night of the Soul and Hope
The dark night of the soul describes a spiritual change or crisis in the faith journey. This idea was taken from a very long poem written by St. John of the Cross in the 1500's. Philosophers and other religious writers have also written on this concept. Some people describe this crisis as…
The Dark Night of the Soul and Hope
The dark night of the soul describes a spiritual change or crisis in the faith journey. This idea was taken from a very long poem written by St. John of the Cross in the 1500's. Philosophers and other religious writers have also written on this concept. Some people describe this crisis as losing faith while others experience it more as not being able to "get in touch" with their faith. Their faith is there but it kind of sits over to the side.
I have read a similar idea as expressed by David Brooks, a sociologist and Richard Rohr, a priest and religious writer. They both describe "living on the edge of the inside." They both describe groups of: 1. people who are in leadership (insiders) in organizations and churches, 2. people who are outsiders, and 3. those on the "edge of the inside." Although it sounds like these people might be wishy-washy, this is not what they are describing. They are describing people who recognize that their organizations or churches don't have all the answers for them and they become more fluid in their beliefs while not losing their faith. At times they become critical thinkers and integrate the faith from different perspectives. Richard Rohr actually names prophets in this group.
The lesson of these writings is that we are all fluid in our beliefs and faith. I would not be surprised if the pandemic influences our spiritual "place" now and then. Jesus' good news is that when we hold on to His Father's gift of love we move around in beliefs with an open heart and remain in His love. We may experience cleansing, healing, and growth in this movement and come to appreciate other's places of faith more. Hopefully we might be motivated by God's expansive love to be more open to sharing and listening to differences.
Perhaps we might be encouraged to suffer the wandering child in our own heart and hang in there for our own continual coming home - even when home looks a little different and continues to change. So as we go through the many emotions of isolation the dark night of the soul arises into a morning. Crucifixion arises into resurrection. Love yourself as God loves you and know that you are never locked into the final experience of faith. Faith dances!
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for,
the conviction of things not seen.
Pastor’s Paragraph - July 23, 2020
Dear Friends,
What have you been enjoying in different ways this summer? Water is something that I am experiencing differently this summer. I've been a YMCA person since the age of two, except during college, but even in college, I was lap swimming with teams for workouts a few times a week. Since COVID I have mostly adjusted to being out of the pool. A few days ago, I had one of the strong sensations that connected me to my deepest enjoyment of lap swimming…
Dear Friends,
What have you been enjoying in different ways this summer? Water is something that I am experiencing differently this summer. I've been a YMCA person since the age of two, except during college, but even in college, I was lap swimming with teams for workouts a few times a week. Since COVID I have mostly adjusted to being out of the pool. A few days ago, I had one of the strong sensations that connected me to my deepest enjoyment of lap swimming - the reminder of Jesus' saving love washing over me and setting me free from my sin - I experience this in such a deep way when I feel the water of a pool cover my body. As I thought about it, a praising came from way down in my soul - God sets us free from all that keeps us captive from being the people God creates us to be. God unbinds us from the shame and fear that keeps us from living in the abundant ways of life for all, especially those who have been or are being harmed, oppressed, marginalized, and made most vulnerable. God cleanses us and renews us for ways of transforming grace and creative reimaging. God showers us with hope and nourishes us with strength to be fully alive in the everlasting mercy and unconditional love of Jesus and the courageous work of God's Spirit. In these pandemic days, I think even more about handwashing. Washing my hands reminds me to be more thankful than ever before for access to soap and clean water. This experience of water reminds me of the gift of baptism which unites us together with all God's precious children and creatures throughout the world - all in need of water and all in need of giving and receiving love. May we pray and live in ways that make it possible for everyone to have clean water to drink and clean water for hand washing. May we share the peace and hope of the Living Water.
I look forward to hearing what is refreshing your soul in these summer days, and I thank God for you. It is a blessing to serve with you.
If we confess our sins,
he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9
Pastor’s Paragraph - July 16, 2020
The stories from our sacred scriptures we study in Sunday worship provide a surplus of meaning. There are always ideas and insights yet to be explored. For instance, this past Sunday we looked at the story of Jesus walking on the water in order to come to the aid of the disciples who were facing stormy conditions. You can read this mysterious and astonishing account in
Matthew 14:22-33.
The stories from our sacred scriptures we study in Sunday worship provide a surplus of meaning. There are always ideas and insights yet to be explored. For instance, this past Sunday we looked at the story of Jesus walking on the water in order to come to the aid of the disciples who were facing stormy conditions. You can read this mysterious and astonishing account in
Matthew 14:22-33.
One of the disciples, named Peter, asks to come out on the water with Jesus. Peter reveals trust and courage as he takes a few steps with his eyes fixed on his Leader. Then, he notices the wind and the waves. His focus shifts from trust and boldness in Christ to the absurdity and danger of what he is doing. Peter begins to falter and sink. He cries out for Jesus to save him. You will likely not be surprised that Jesus takes Peter by the hand immediately and safely returns him to the boat. Once aboard with the other disciples, Jesus says, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?"
This sounds like a criticism, doesn't it? I do not think it is, I think it is a statement of reality. Thankfully, possession of a great faith is not the defining quality of discipleship. In fact, in Matthew 17:20, Jesus affirms the power of a little faith. He insists that: "if you have faith the size of a mustard seed...nothing will be impossible for you." Jesus affirms that Peter has a little faith and that is sufficient. Nor is Jesus question meant to belittle Peter. Jesus does not ask, why did you think you could walk on water? No, Jesus asks, why did you doubt you could walk on water? Do you hear that important difference? What Jesus asks, opens-up the possibilities for Peter to be bold and put his little faith to work in surprising ways. When Peter steps out in faith he needs to keep his focus on Jesus and ignore the fear and any naysayers. If he can do that, "nothing will be impossible."
This is a challenging scene in the story, isn't it? After all, like Peter, we have a little faith. That little faith is sufficient. Too often we use our little faith as an excuse to stay in the boat, so to speak, to play it safe. When the truth about little faith is that it can lead to all sorts of unexpected and astonishing possibilities of receiving and sharing the love of Christ. We can learn, grow and change. We can be part of the solutions to tough problems. We can be bold and challenge the injustices that hold others back. We can trust in God's abundance and be liberated from a false narrative of scarcity and competition that pits us against one another. We can be generous and joyful in the midst of adversity.
Let's celebrate and nurture our little faith and let's boldly step out of the boat with our eyes fixed on Jesus.
Enjoy the adventure,
Pastor Marc
Pastor’s Paragraph - July 9, 2020
Just Sayin'
I will admit that I am rather concerned by some of the things I have read on Facebook. It is not disagreement but graceful disagreement that makes the world a better place. Grace in disagreement - expressing how this issue could be different and how is an essential part of human communication and experience. As a culture we might well evolve through disagreement. Ideas subjected to criticism grow stronger than ideas left unchallenged.
Just Sayin'
I will admit that I am rather concerned by some of the things I have read on Facebook. It is not disagreement but graceful disagreement that makes the world a better place. Grace in disagreement - expressing how this issue could be different and how is an essential part of human communication and experience. As a culture we might well evolve through disagreement. Ideas subjected to criticism grow stronger than ideas left unchallenged.
When I was a kid we often said to our playmates, sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. Maybe that is true in innocent play but we knew that in reality it wasn't completely true. Words can be detrimental to our spirit as the receiver of harsh and aggressive comments. Aggressive comments tear down rather than build up.
My biggest concern about aggressive words is the damage to the soul of the one speaking or writing them. Aggressive feelings come from anger, but aggressive words come from aggressive anger put into action. Brené Brown gives some guidelines of engaged feedback. Firstly, I know I am ready to give feedback when:
I'm ready to sit next to you rather thuan across from you
I'm willing to put the problem in front of us rather than between us (or sliding it toward you).
I'm ready to listen, ask questions, and accept that I may not fully understand the issue.
I want to acknowledge what you do well instead of picking apart your mistakes.
I recognize your strengths and how you can use them to address your challenges.
I can hold you accountable without shaming or blaming you.
I'm willing to own my part.
I can genuinely thank you for your efforts rather than criticize you for your failings.
I can talk about how resolving these challenges will lead to your growth and opportunity.
I can model the vulnerability and openness that I expect to see from you.
I suspect that this sounds rather idealistic and maybe even impossible but it is certainly something to think about and something that can soothe the soul. So as you think about dealing with disagreements that need to be said, stop and think about how God would want you to prepare, what would God want you to say, and how would God want you to say it.
Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect
the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.
Ephesians 4:15 (NIV).
Pastor’s Paragraph - July 2, 2020
Dear Friends,
I miss you. I care about you. I wonder how you are doing?
A few weeks ago, I was speaking to friend, author of Purpose: A Shift from Driving It to Embracing It, Indianapolis business woman, and community leader who shared with us at our Advent gathering and Lenten gathering this past year. We were speaking about different emotions. We spoke of awe.
Dear Friends,
I miss you. I care about you. I wonder how you are doing?
A few weeks ago, I was speaking to friend, author of Purpose: A Shift from Driving It to Embracing It, Indianapolis business woman, and community leader who shared with us at our Advent gathering and Lenten gathering this past year. We were speaking about different emotions. We spoke of awe.
What brings you awe? For me, seeing any of God's creatures usually leaves me in awe - creatures like this little skink.
While we cannot be together in the building sanctuary, we can enjoy the sanctuary of God's care. We can find moments of awe in God's sanctuaries of family, friends, and creation. We can find sanctuary in God's call to commitment to peace and ways of justice for all, especially those who have been oppressed and marginalized. We can find sanctuary in God's forgiveness and grace. We can find sanctuary in God's healing of our shame and guilt. We can find sanctuary in the smile of a stranger and in the acts of the helpers.
Where are you finding awe these days? Where are you finding sanctuary? Where are you finding healing?
You are in my prayers. Please be in touch anytime. It is a blessing to be on this journey with you as follower of Jesus our Leader and Liberator~ Sarah
4 All the earth worships you;
they sing praises to you,
sing praises to your name."Selah
5 Come and see what God has done:
he is awesome in his deeds among mortals.
6 He turned the sea into dry land;
Pastor's Paragraph - June 25th, 2020
In a meditation entitled By Their Fruits, Howard Thurman writes:
Further, I may not ever be deeply assured that I am not mistaken. I may be appraising my experience in the light of my own great need or my own previous conditioning or teaching. As a matter of fact, it is true that most of the fundamental decisions which we make are made on the basis of insufficient evidence. We cannot wait for final proof or verification. It would be too late. Thus, we wait as long as we can and then act on the basis of the total knowledge up to the present, with the hope that the future may verify our decision. This means that the decision does not have integrity in itself. Its integrity rests upon how it works out, how it unfolds.
In a meditation entitled By Their Fruits, Howard Thurman writes:
Further, I may not ever be deeply assured that I am not mistaken. I may be appraising my experience in the light of my own great need or my own previous conditioning or teaching. As a matter of fact, it is true that most of the fundamental decisions which we make are made on the basis of insufficient evidence. We cannot wait for final proof or verification. It would be too late. Thus, we wait as long as we can and then act on the basis of the total knowledge up to the present, with the hope that the future may verify our decision. This means that the decision does not have integrity in itself. Its integrity rests upon how it works out, how it unfolds.
These words resonate with me. The more I live the more I realize that my thoughts and ideas are temporary. They change and evolve as I experience and learn more and more. Though the uncertainty can be unnerving at times, the humility it produces creates space in my life for growth, openness and kindness.
Rev. Thurman had the words of Jesus in mind: "you will know them by their fruits...every good tree bears good fruit" (Matthew 7:16-17). Decisions lead to action, which leads to results. When the results disappoint us we can re-examine our decisions. Just maybe our thoughts and ideas need to change.
This feels like a time to re-examine our decisions; to test our ideas against the results we see. Covid-19 and the protests for greater equality are challenging some decisions and thinking that have been producing disappointing results. These global events give us the opportunity to re-think the way our society is structured and to re-consider how our priorities need to shift.
Let us resist the temptation to return to "normal" too quickly. Let us not turn aside from the challenge and the pain too soon. Let us consider long-term commitments to health and well-being for all, that require sacrifices now. Let us listen and learn so we can be part of the solution. Let us care more about just and equitable outcomes than being right about our thoughts and ideas.
Jesus, as always, was right. You can tell a tree by the fruit it bears. What does the fruit of your life have to say?
The grace and peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor's Paragraph - June 11, 2020
Wow! Thanks. Help.
Dear Friends,
Do you have any favorite tools or supports this time of year? Maybe some gardening tools, sports equipment, or lawn chair or hammock?
A few weeks ago, I heard about a new prayer tool or support…
Wow! Thanks. Help.
Dear Friends,
Do you have any favorite tools or supports this time of year? Maybe some gardening tools, sports equipment, or lawn chair or hammock?
A few weeks ago, I heard about a new prayer tool or support - I heard about it twice in one day, so I thought maybe it is something that I am meant to share. I tried it with my family at a dinner prayer and appreciated it.
My most usual prayer tool is the one that my father taught me in confirmation class and one that I often share with others - ACTS (adoration/praise, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication/asking for oneself or on the behalf of others). I like this method because it is often easy for me to fly past the confession part, but I know that I receive more understanding of how to follow Jesus when I take time to examine my life and seek forgiveness for my own sins. I know I become more whole when I confess my sins and thank God for mercy.
The new tool that I learned is Wow (praise/adoration)! Thanks. Help. Here's a prayer that I lift up with this tool. I look forward to praying with you. If you would like to share yours, I will join you in specific prayers. If not, you continue to be in my prayers for deep peace/shalom and in our journey together as followers of Jesus.
I miss you and love you!
Wow! - Wow God your compassion and love are so amazing! Your creative energy is so powerful! Your beauty is beyond compare!
Thanks - Thank you God for family, friends, food, clean water, health, custodians, factory workers, medical personnel, grocery store workers, farmers, deliverers, researchers, caregivers, the gift of faith communities, the gift of prayer, and your everlasting mercy and patience.
Help - God, please help all who are sick, suffering, sad, and separated. Please help us to live for you and your share your love with others.
Pastor's Paragraph - June 4, 2020
God is good, all the time.
We face two daunting challenges in the world our Leader loves and gave his life for: healing a novel corona virus and dismantling systemic racism. As with all daunting challenges, God is with us to guide us toward wise words and actions.
God is good, all the time.
We face two daunting challenges in the world our Leader loves and gave his life for: healing a novel corona virus and dismantling systemic racism. As with all daunting challenges, God is with us to guide us toward wise words and actions.
All the time, God is good.
We will pray for researchers to find a vaccine and treatment. We will pray for leaders to guide the wide-spread application of the treatment and vaccine when it is available. In the meantime, we do our part by taking the precautions to stem the spread, looking out for those most vulnerable and staying well to avoid overwhelming healthcare resources.
God is good, all the time.
We will pray for peace with justice for our community and nation. We will pray for wise and bold leadership to bring people together for greater understanding and to establish and implement policy that finally levels the playing field and truly fulfills the promise for "liberty and justice for all."
All the time, God is good.
In the Friedens community of faith, we have a God-given and congregationally approved Open and Affirming Covenant that articulates our commitment:
We at Friedens United Church of Christ affirm that all people are created in the image of God and are redeemed through Jesus Christ; and so, as loved children of God, all are worthy of God's love and grace. We recognize that in the history of the Church, as an institution, people have been marginalized, mistreated, and unwelcomed. We promise with God's help to dedicate our church, our ministries, and our leadership to extending an extravagant welcome, with access to the rites and sacraments of the church, and open to all persons, including but not limited to, every race, culture, ethnicity, economic status, marital status, education, background, age, physical and mental ability and attribute, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and political belief, as a safe place to be authentic. We commit to an on-going journey, pursuing a diverse and united community of faith and a spirit that works toward inclusivity, openness, and understanding, seeking justice, healing, and wholeness of life for all people.
God is good, all the time.
This covenant and all our ministry at Friedens are focused in keeping with a God-given and congregationally approved Mission and Vision Statement:
The church of Jesus Christ is called to serve the community and wider world (Matthew 25:34-36). Friedens UCC fulfills this calling with a mission of sharing the love of Christ with all people (Matthew 22:36-40). This mission is empowered by a commitment to inspire, train and mobilize disciples (Ephesians 4:11-13). We are called to be a church of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, sharing the gospel with all people, helping all understand, live it and tell it (Matthew 28:16-20). We feel a special calling to minister to children and youth in the community (Mark 9:36-37). This is a ministry all can be involved in. Every member and friend of Friedens is blessed and equipped with spiritual gifts from God and encouraged to use them in a related ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12). We are striving to be a more compassionate community of faith, welcoming all to join us on the journey (Galatians 3:28).
All the time, God is good.
We have work to do: praying, fulfilling our covenant and putting into action our mission and vision.
God is good, all the time.
~Pastor Marc
Pastor’s Paragraph - May 28, 2020
I often comment to people, if there was a guilt overdose I would be dead! During this period of time it is easy to feel guilty without even being aware of it.
I often comment to people, if there was a guilt overdose I would be dead! During this period of time it is easy to feel guilty without even being aware of it. Sometimes our guilt is so deeply instilled in us that it doesn't even get to the form of words. I feel guilty that younger people than myself are dying, I'm not as careful about washing my hands as I should be, I'm not doing anything for others, and I am feeling happy while people are suffering and dying. I will share this poem with you because it says what I would like to be wise enough to say:
I Worried by Mary Oliver
I worried a lot. Will the garden grow, will the rivers
flow in the right direction, will the earth turn
as it was taught, and if not, how shall
I correct it?
Was I right, was I wrong, will I be forgiven,
can I do better?
Will I ever be able to sing, even the sparrows
can do it and I am, well,
Is my eyesight fading or am I just imagining it,
am I going to get rheumatism,
lockjaw, demential?
Finally I saw that worrying had come to nothing.
And gave it up. And took my old body
and went out into the morning
and sang.
This kind of says it all, so sing and sing a song of worship!
Pastor's Paragraph - May 21, 2020
Dear Friends,
You are a tremendous blessing! It is a gift to serve with you. Thank you for being a loving and welcoming community of Jesus' disciples. Thank you for praying for each other and our local and global communities. Thank you for adapting to different ways of worshiping together and serving in ministry together. I am grateful for the many ways you continue to share the love of Christ with others in these times.
Dear Friends,
You are a tremendous blessing! It is a gift to serve with you. Thank you for being a loving and welcoming community of Jesus' disciples. Thank you for praying for each other and our local and global communities. Thank you for adapting to different ways of worshiping together and serving in ministry together. I am grateful for the many ways you continue to share the love of Christ with others in these times.
This month, I am particularly appreciative of the opportunity we have through the offering of letters for Bread for the World. This is a way we can still be involved in the focused mission of reaching out to children and youth. This is a way we can still work on overcoming hunger. One of my favorite memories of Friedens this past year was looking across the narthex and seeing folks in their eighties writing letters with elementary students for the Bread for the World offering of letters. Over the years, Friedens has grown in our participation in the offering of letters. I am excited and grateful that we can still offer ourselves to God, to others, and to ourselves in this way - we are, after all, all siblings of one another - when one of God's precious ones is hungry, we are hungry, too, of body and spirit. We hope you'll be able to participate in the offering of letters for Bread for the World to ask our governmental leaders to work to make sure people receive the support they need in order to have food to eat even during this pandemic and in the times to come. You will find information about how to participate below.
Please be in touch if you have any questions - Thank you.
With gratitude, deep care, and the love of Jesus~ Sarah
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you
gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...
Matthew 25:35
Pastor's Paragraph - May 14, 2020
Dear Members, Friends and Staff of Friedens Church,
I love you.
I love you so much that I have been staying home as much as possible to help stem the tide of the virus
I love you so much that when…
Dear Members, Friends and Staff of Friedens Church,
I love you.
I love you so much that I have been staying home as much as possible to help stem the tide of the virus
I love you so much that when I have to go out into a public space, I wear a mask and keep social distance.
I love you so much that I will gladly abide by the decision of the Council of Ministries for when it is safe to return to the church campus for activities, because I know our leaders' priority is the health and safety of all of us.
I love you so much that when we can be in person together again, I will refrain from shaking hands and hugging you, even though I will be thrilled to see you.
I love you so much that when we can be in person together again, I will wear a mask, keep a safe distance and do whatever I can to keep us all safe.
I love you so much that you are in my daily prayers and always in my heart.
I love you so much that I will remain available for pastoral care via text or calls and lead worship virtually with our devoted team of staff and leaders as long as needed.
I love you and I am so grateful for your love.
Most sincerely,
Pastor Marc
Pastor's Paragraph - May 7, 2020
A Quiet Center
I have been fascinated by the pictures of animals being drawn into cities because of the lack of traffic and people during the Pandemic. I have seen herds of elk in Japanese cities and in Estes Park, Colorado. The pictures look so peaceful with animals instead of traffic!
A Quiet Center
I have been fascinated by the pictures of animals being drawn into cities because of the lack of traffic and people during the Pandemic. I have seen herds of elk in Japanese cities and in Estes Park, Colorado. The pictures look so peaceful with animals instead of traffic!
The pictures of animals replacing people remind me of being in the world and yet not of the world. They portray a spiritual peace that we do not often experience. To me this represents a quiet space where inner awareness and freedom can grow. It reminds me of Jesus going to quiet places with a quieted inner spirit. In these places, free from the noise of the world, I am sure that he could hear the Father more clearly.
When all is quiet we can more intimately experience the dance of the Trinity in our inner spirit. Being free to hear God speaking to us, around us, and through us is so awesome. Even in the times that are foreboding, the voice of our great leader God is the gift that comes with our hardship and fear. God's love becomes a gift to be received and shared along with the enormity of the cosmos. This is the blessing of the spiritual journey, a time for positive change, not a singular trek but rather a journey with all of God's creation.
My challenge to you is to think about the rose (beauty), thorn (challenge) and bud (potential) of what God's journey is saying to you during this period of time.
Call to me and I will answer you,
and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
Jeremiah 33:3 ESV
Pastor”s Paragraph - April 30, 2020
This week, I offer you a photo from Friedens' butterfly garden and a photo from our yard. I feel like we are in a time of germination and growth waiting for clearer understanding of how we can join God's Spirit in cultivating a beloved community for all and not just some.
Dear Friends,
This week, I offer you a photo from Friedens' butterfly garden and a photo from our yard. I feel like we are in a time of germination and growth waiting for clearer understanding of how we can join God's Spirit in cultivating a beloved community for all and not just some. At the same time, we are already seeing signs of this. God's beloved community is near and at hand and also yet and still to become. You are in my prayers. We are held by a faithful Gardener.
With gratitude, deep care, and the love of Jesus~ Sarah
For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the
Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.
Isaiah 61:11
Pastor's Paragraph - April 23, 2020
These words of Brené Brown articulate well how I have been feeling and the work to which I feel called to devote my time and energy:
We will not go back to normal. Normal never was. Our pre-corona existence was not normal other than we normalized greed, inequity, exhaustion, depletion, extraction, disconnection, confusion, rage, hoarding, hate and lack. We should not long to return, my friends.
These words of Brené Brown articulate well how I have been feeling and the work to which I feel called to devote my time and energy:
We will not go back to normal. Normal never was. Our pre-corona existence was not normal other than we normalized greed, inequity, exhaustion, depletion, extraction, disconnection, confusion, rage, hoarding, hate and lack. We should not long to return, my friends. We are being given the opportunity to stitch a new garment. One that fits all of humanity and nature.
Using my gift of preaching I want to contribute to a new normal. Since I find Jesus’ teachings to be timeless, timely and always relevant I want to keep us focused on the loving way of Christ, the One who can fit us with that new garment.
So far this year we have followed closely the story of Jesus as told by Mark. Mark’s brief and fast-paced narrative presents Jesus ministry of transformation through teaching and healing; a ministry his disciples are trained to continue through prayer, listening and care. Despite the pressures of large crowds of needy people and the occupying authorities determined to advance the empire’s agenda, Jesus stayed focused on his mission even if it meant walking the path that led to the cross, the means of God’s ultimate victory of grace, goodness and life. Written in the wake of Rome’s destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, a message of the triumph of Divine grace was most encouraging. Do we find the same encouragement from Christ in our adversity?
Chronologically speaking, the next gospel to take up the story is attributed to Matthew. Relying heavily on Mark’s storyline he also adds his own unique stories of Jesus, highlighting the liberation reminiscent of Moses. These are the stories that will garner our attention as we move through Eastertide, seeking to find meaning in the Resurrection in our place and time. Here are the unique stories of Matthew we will study in May:
May 3 Matthew 1:1 and 17 Curious Pedigree
May 10 Matthew 1:18-25 A Prologue to Liberation
May 17 Matthew 5:17-20 Fulfillment of the Law
May 24 Matthew 5:21-30, 33-37 You Have Heard
May 31 Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18 On Practical Matters of the Spirit
I look forward to learning and growing in discipleship with you. May the Spirit and wisdom of Jesus transform us, and through us, the world God loves and sent Jesus to save.
Eastertide blessings,
Pastor Marc
Pastor’s Paragraph - April 16, 2020
The Peace of Christ
When I gave birth to my first child I felt relatively alone. My husband was out of the country in the military. As I went to the hospital and into labor I remember the amazing peace that came to me. It felt like strength and confidence. I felt an extreme trust in the process of having a child. I also felt this peace when Don and I go to Madison and eat at a little hamburger place that is like a boat on the river…
The Peace of Christ
When I gave birth to my first child I felt relatively alone. My husband was out of the country in the military. As I went to the hospital and into labor I remember the amazing peace that came to me. It felt like strength and confidence. I felt an extreme trust in the process of having a child. I also felt this peace when Don and I go to Madison and eat at a little hamburger place that is like a boat on the river. I had lived as a small child right down the road directly across the street from the river and that might be part of the serenity. Don and I also experienced this same peace in a particular cathedral in Rome. When we entered it was as though we were surrounded by a million souls worshipping God. It was an experience of peace and awe.
During the first four weeks of being confined in the house I have to admit my prayer and devotional life has been pretty much the same as usual. I have felt guilt that I am well while others are ill. I have questioned why this has to happen and how long will it last. I have felt closeness to my children with whom I text almost every day. I have felt tenderness for the helpers I have encountered. But most of all I have felt peace so great that sometimes I just want to sit and be in this peaceful Presence of God.
Yes, all of the good feelings of love and connectedness are from and of God but the peace of Christ is an overwhelming comfort. All we have to do is to allow a time to be aware of it. We can simply let it in and savor it. I am so very thankful for the peace of Christ!
Lord God, we thank you for your holiness which comes to us in feelings of peace and love. We ask that you remind us to take time to be aware of your Presence and the ways in which you bring peace from chaos. We thank you above all for the peace of Christ and pray that others might become aware of this blessing too. Amen.
Pastor's Paragraph - April 9, 2020
Dear Friends,
When I have been praying and thinking about Holy Week, a song that I learned during my young adult years came to mind. I don't know the title, but this is how it goes.
I wake in the morning with my eyes fixed on Jesus, Hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah
Dear Friends,
When I have been praying and thinking about Holy Week, a song that I learned during my young adult years came to mind. I don't know the title, but this is how it goes.
I wake in the morning with my eyes fixed on Jesus, Hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah.
I wake in the morning with my eyes fixed on Jesus, my eyes fixed on Jesus, Hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah.
You can make up your own verses for different parts of the day or activities. I have started singing - I think of the world with my eyes fixed on Jesus. When I keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, I am reminded of many things. For now, I'll share just one - Friedens United Church of Christ's s focused mission is to share the love of Christ with children and youth. How do we do this during a global pandemic?
Let us remember that we are Easter people. We are resurrection people. We rejoice in the good news that Jesus is risen. The grave cannot hold the powerful life-giving transforming love of God. Jesus' love cannot be stopped.
Let us share this good news with children through word and deed, through prayers spoken and prayers echoing deep within.
Let us pray for children and teens who are feeling lonely, anxious, depressed, or afraid.
Let us pray for wisdom about how to share and support children and teens who are struggling with distance learning.
Let us pray for understanding about how we can continue to help children who face food insecurity.
Let us pray for connections with community partners who serve children and teens.
Let us give thanks and rejoice for the joy, energy, and gifts children offer the world. Let us give thanks for the hope and enthusiasm children bless us with.
Let us send notes of encouragement to families with children and teens.
Let us remember our belovedness as children of the Maker of the heavens and earth who brings new life to all! Let us offer praise! Let us keep our eyes fixed on the Risen Lord. Alleluia!
5 As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. 6 But he said to them, "Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you." Mark 16:5-7 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
Pastor's Paragraph - April 2, 2020
As we move into our remembrance of Holy Week, it occurred to me that my feelings this year may be closer to the feelings of the women and men who followed Jesus into Jerusalem two millennia ago. Like them I feel some uncertainty and anxiety about what is to come. Like them I am staying as close to Jesus as I can.
As we move into our remembrance of Holy Week, it occurred to me that my feelings this year may be closer to the feelings of the women and men who followed Jesus into Jerusalem two millennia ago. Like them I feel some uncertainty and anxiety about what is to come. Like them I am staying as close to Jesus as I can.
This perspective has helped me interpret some of the words of Jesus during Holy Week in light of and in relation to the crisis we face. For example:
As Luke tells the story of Palm Sunday some critics of Jesus demand he stop this demonstration of enthusiastic followers waving palm branches and shouting "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord". Jesus responds, "I tell you, if these followers were silent, the stones would shout out." This response reminded me that even though much of our normal activities have come to a stop, nature itself is still demonstrating the hope and new life of a fresh season of growth!
In the Temple, only days before his unjust arrest and execution, Jesus recalls what matters most-the love of God, neighbor and self. It is the power of love that makes it possible for Jesus to walk the path of trust and suffering that lead to the cross and beyond. So too on our path of adversity a renewed commitment to receiving and sharing Divine love will surely keep us moving through suffering to healing and hope.
John adds to story of the Last Supper a touching and powerful moment-Jesus humbly washing his disciples' feet. Just as Jesus serves us and soothes our stress in this uncertain time so we can offer grace and peace to others through prayer for the sick and their caregivers, caring notes or calls or texts to our circle of influence, offering monetary donations to efforts that are engaged in helping ease the burden and end the crisis, and reassuring our children who may be especially shaken by this pandemic.
From the cross Jesus pronounces, "Father, forgive them". Even in the midst of personal suffering Jesus could see beyond the pain to offer what others needed. Recent years have been characterized by so much division and anger. Could this global crisis help us reset our priorities? Could a spirit of forgiveness heal the rifts? Could we set a new course of global cooperation that provides collaborative solutions to the challenges that threaten the well-being of our planet and its people?
As you join me in study and reflection on the Holy Week stories let us look for the wisdom that empowers us to be Christ's disciples for our own journey to the cross and the empty tomb.
From my family to yours-blessings of safety and health in the days ahead.
Pastor Marc