Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – April 25, 2024

Dear Beloved,

This year in this season of Eastertide (the season that stretches from Easter to Pentecost when we celebrate the gifts of God’s Spirit), I have been feeling overwhelmed (in a positive way) by so many blessings.  I give thanks to God for the beauty of Creation, for all the people lifting up prayers for equity and shalom for all, for you and opportunity to serve with you, and for God’s mercy and grace.  With each passing year, I find myself more in humble awe of God’s forgiveness - maybe because each passing year, my own sin and need for transformation becomes more clear to me - maybe that is why this year the story of Jesus and Peter at the end of John’s gospel is the one that keeps playing in my head and heart.  Many years the stories that most resonate with me after Easter are the stories of Jesus responding to the disciples questions with care and his ever-faithful presence - maybe because I always feel like I have so many questions, but this year the story that is resonating most with me involves Jesus asking more questions.  In this story at the end of the book of John, Jesus asks Peter three times, “Do you love me?”  I have always been told that it matches up with the three times Peter denies knowing Jesus after Jesus is crucified.  I know I have denied and betrayed Jesus so many more times with my unthoughtful actions towards others and the many loving acts that I’ve left undone, so I appreciate the ways Jesus continues to reach out to Peter.  Jesus is still calling Peter.  God still has plans for Peter.  God is always still reaching out to each of us and continues to create and recreate us and renew us with grace and purpose. How do we respond, when God asks us, “Do you love me?”  What does it look like for each of us unique individuals specially designed by God to feed Jesus’ sheep/to care for his lambs?  What does it look like for us as a community of Jesus’ followers called Friedens United Church of Christ to feed Jesus’ sheep?  These questions are in my prayers for us.  I hope each of us can take time to pray and explore these questions and the stories found at the end of  Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John about the resurrection and Jesus’ appearances to his disciples in this season of Eastertide.  If exploring them in community would be more fun for you, please feel free to reach out.  I appreciate you!  Thank you for being you!

With gratitude and hope,


After they had eaten, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these others do?”

“Yes, Lord,” he answered, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Take care of my lambs.”  (John 21:15)