Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – July 18, 2024

Dear Beloved,

As we journey together experiencing color as an opportunity for a spiritual practice of reflection and meditation, I’d invite you to consider the color orange.  When you hear the word orange or see something orange or smell the scent of orange fruit (an orange, peach, nectarine, mango, or cantaloupe) does anything emerge in your mind, heart, body, or spirit (in your being)?  When I think of orange Biblically, the story of Moses and the burning bush (Exodus 3) comes to mind as well as sunrises and sunsets and passages about praising God in the morning and in the evening (Psalm 113:3).  Bright bushes, sunrises, and sunsets all get my attention.  They feel like ways that God reaches out through the splendor of creation as if to say, “I’m here for you, my child.  You have a purpose, my child.  Good morning, my child!  Good evening, my child.”  I wonder how often I respond?  How often do I miss the compassionate whisper of the loving Maker of the heavens and the earth, the leaves, soil, clouds, sun, and nourishing rains?  

 In more recent years, I’ve learned about Orange Shirt Day, so now the importance of remembering and honoring every child - past, present, and future - comes to my being when I hear the word orange or see the word orange.  If you’d like to learn more about Orange Shirt Day and participate in a time of remembrance, reflection, and response, you are invited to Eagle Creek the afternoon of Sunday, September 1st.  Sierra Nuckols and the Peace Learning Center will be guiding us through the sharing of stories and activities that afternoon.  We hope you and those you know can make plans to attend.  Please feel free to be in touch with any question, and if you’d like to share your experiences or reflections on the color orange, I’d enjoy hearing about them.

               With gratitude,
