Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – August 15, 2024

Dear Beloved,

I want to take a quick pause from our spiritual practices of reflecting on God’s goodness through colors to simply remind you of your Belovedness. 

 Perhaps you have wondered why I begin my notes to you with Dear Beloved. My deepest desire for each human and each creature is for them to know their Belovedness - to believe they are loved by the Creator of the heavens and the earth in their innermost being and to proclaim to each of God’s children that they are beloved. God made you, my friend and sibling. God loves you, my friend and sibling. God sees you and hears you, my friend and sibling. You are called by name. You are cherished for who you are regardless of what you accomplish. 

 I am grateful to my parents and the UCC who have taught me this since my childhood. I am grateful to Pastor Marc and Friedens UCC who taught me to ask about our belovedness each Sunday morning and to be assured and reassured of this sole (and soul) identity. I am grateful for the words of author Osheta Moore who is reminding me of this once again. I am grateful for our Just Peace, Open and Affirming, and Global Ministries covenants and our mission to share the love of Jesus which help us live out the good news of God’s belovedness. 

 This week, I pray that you take some time to breathe in and rest in this good news.  

 With deep appreciation and hope,


 Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another.

1 John 4:11