Pastor’s Corner – December 7, 2023
Dear Beloved,
Greetings to you in this Advent season! How is it with your spirit? In this season, emotions can sometimes feel stronger - whether those emotions be feelings that we consider helpful or not so helpful. I pray that you can be gentle with yourself and those around you. If you need extra support during this season, please give yourself permission to reach out and ask. We are better together - God made us that way!
This past Sunday we lit the Advent candle of hope. When you hear or see the word hope, what comes to your mind?
This past year, I have found myself answering questions with the word “hope” more than ever before. When people ask me why I do the things that I do, I say “because of hope,” or “I’m part of a people of hope.” I give thanks to God and all the people in my life who have taught me about hope - ancestors of our faith, the stories of our faith, colleagues and co-workers, the children in the different parts of my life, the wonder of creation, people I’ve met at work or while traveling or out and about the community…..I rejoice in God’s gifts of hope to us. When I think of hope, I feel a connection with Elizabeth and Hannah and Anna - all awaiting a child. When I think of hope, people living with big challenges come into my being. When I think of hope, I see Jesus’ patience with the disciples and with us. When I think of hope, I hear encouragement from scripture. In this season, may we take time to reflect on God’s gifts of hope and what they mean as we seek to share Jesus’ love in our daily lives and how we seek to live as his followers. I thank God for you and the opportunities we have to journey together.
As I close, I want to leave you with a breath prayer that lifts me up- My hope is you Lord; my hope is in you Lord. I’m grateful for the praise bands over the years who planted those words in my heart (Psalm 25:21; Psalm 39:7) Maybe this breath prayer will be of help to you sometime, too.
May you find encouragement in God’s love this Advent season.
By awesome deeds you answer us with deliverance,
O God of our salvation;
you are the hope of all the ends of the earth
and of the farthest seas. Psalm 65:5