Pastor’s Corner – December 8, 2022
Dear Beloved,
This coming Sunday we will light the candle of joy. What does joy mean to you? How do you connect to our source of joy, especially when experiencing challenges or pain or seeing the suffering of folx and creation all around?
For me, I find joy through:
Time connecting with God in communal worship with folx, creation, or simply with God’s Spirit in prayer and quiet.
Singing, humming, and/or moving.
Giving thanks for God’s many blessings.
Remembering all the people who have and continue to live with joy as an act of resistance and resiliency.
Observing Sabbath rest.
Being in awe of the dynamic diversity of all God has made.
The promises that Jesus will always be with us and that nothing can separate us from God’s love.
The companionship and comfort of God’s Spirit.
The support of prayer partners and prayer Sisters.
The wonder and trust of children.
The optimism and innovation of teens.
The wisdom and experience of folx older than me.
If you would like to share ways that God renews you with the gift of joy, I’d be excited and honored to hear them. Thank you for traveling this journey of discipleship with me as we seek to grow as followers of Jesus who share his love and life-giving ways.
With gratitude,
Nehemiah 8:10 - “…the joy of the Lord is your strength"
(given to me by one of counselors years ago and still a go to verse)