Pastor’s Corner – May 18, 2023
Sightings 3
Only John recounts a touching scene of the Risen Jesus preparing breakfast for some of his disciples on the shore of the Sea of Galilee (21:1-19). Some of the followers have gone back to fishing after Jesus’ death. While in a boat casting a net but without success, someone from the shore tells them to try on the other side of the boat. They do and the catch is so large that it nearly swamps them. In the excitement one among them realizes it is the Risen Jesus who is on shore. Peter forgets the fish and dives in to swim to shore. The others bring the haul of fish, but everyone remains quiet in Jesus’ presence. Jesus had fish and bread on a charcoal fire, and they ate together.
After breakfast, the Risen Jesus focuses his attention on Peter who had denied he even knew Jesus (John 18:15-27). Three times Jesus asks Peter, “do you love me?” Three times Peter confesses his love for Jesus. And three times Jesus calls Peter to “tend his sheep”. Peter is forgiven for his denial and Peter is newly commissioned for his service to Christ.
Like Peter, when have you denied your loyalty to Jesus and when have you betrayed Jesus’ way of grace and peace? Can you get past this guilt and regret? Remember, the Risen One is seeking you. He goes wherever you are, pleading for your attention, welcoming you back in the fold, renewing a loving relationship, and calling you to serve in the way of grace and peace. Watch and listen, friends, Jesus is alive and present.
In Christ,