Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – September 26, 2024

Dear Beloved,

I hope you’ve been enjoying our journey of meditating on some of the beautiful colors of God’s creation.  Before we move onto another color, I’d like to pause at the rainbow which is where we began this journey.  For me, rainbows are a sign of hope - a reminder that God has always been with us, is always with us, and will always be with us - and with everyone and with all creation.  Rainbows are a sign of God’s promises of covenantal faithfulness.  When I hear of yet another shooting, I yearn for the hope of full shalom.  I yearn for each and everyone of us near and far to know their belovedness in God and to proclaim the belovedness of everyone in word, thought, and deed.  I pray for God’s mercy, forgiveness and continued grace to show us how to live into this hope of shalom….When I hear of all the hurt near and far, I need the colors of the rainbow which remind me that we are not alone - just like a rainbow would not be a rainbow with only one color, we need each other with our splendidly diverse array of personalities, experiences, gifts, questions, talents, curiosities, and interests.  What symbols stand as reminders of God’s hope for you?  Are there spiritual practices that help you rest in and be renewed in hope?  I pray that we can experience hope when we gather in community for worship, service, connection, study, quiet, and the blessings of God’s creation and when we spend time in stillness - being nurtured and nourished.  May you know you are appreciated and loved by your church family and most of all by the Maker of the heavens and the earth.  

With gratitude and hope,


My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your word.  Psalm 118:81

You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.  Psalm 118:114