Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – December 5, 2024

Dear Beloved,

This message will reach your inbox a few days after we have lit the Advent candle of Hope. With this candle and worship experience in mind, I would invite you to reflect upon where/how you find hope and where/how do you share hope with others? Maybe should back up a bit first and reflect on what hope means to you? For me, hope is a gift from God. It is a gift that allows me to keep on keeping on, to trust in God’s never ending love rather even in the midst of despair and weariness, to rest when there is always more to do, to reach out to others on this journey of life. I receive God’s gift of hope when I spend time with children, when I rest in God’s creation, when allow myself to be still with God, when I pray with others, when I remember others are praying for me, when I give thanks for all the people and organizations working for healing and equity, when I listen to stories from the Bible and modern-day neighbors who share how God is at work their lives….I pray that I offer hope when I speak uplifting words, when I pray with others, when I listen carefully….May you feel God’s hope offering you renewal and strength this Advent season. May you know you are a beloved child of Immanuel - God with us. By God’s grace, may we reflect the hope of the Maker of the heavens and the earth this Advent season.  

  With gratitude and hope,


Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. 

Psalm 33:22