Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – September 19, 2024

Lessons I Live By 1

The older I get the more I want to keep things focused on what really matters. This fall I am sharing some of the lessons I have learned that help me do that. My hope is that my reflections will encourage you to think about the lessons that matter most to you. Choose to live those lessons and share them with those who look to you for encouragement and inspiration.

The first lesson I have to share is the one that is most important and helpful to me—choose to be loving. In any situation or relationship, you will almost always add value by choosing the most loving option you have available to you. I know the truth of this because of the way love has made such a difference in my life. From my parents to my wife to my children, grandchildren and to the Friedens Church family, love has been the source of acceptance, forgiveness, transformation, goodness, enjoyment, and hope. Where would I be without love? That’s why I am committed to being as loving as I can be. We are supported in practicing this lesson because God is love (I John 4:8).

What matters most to you? Is love a lesson you practice?

Yours in Christ,
