Friedens Church Indianapolis

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Pastor’s Corner – October 3, 2024

Lessons I Live By 2

The older I get the more I want to keep things focused on what really matters. This fall I am sharing some of the lessons I have learned that help me do that. My hope is that my reflections will encourage you to think about the lessons that matter most to you. Choose to live those lessons and share them with those who look to you for encouragement and inspiration.

The second lesson I have to share and I try hard to live by is not to take myself too seriously. Jesus did such a good job of this by keeping the focus on God’s Spirit and mission in his life. He could have been very impressed by his abilities to heal the broken and teach with authority. He might have chosen to leverage his abilities to become a wealthy ruler (Matthew 4:8-10). Instead of doing what he wanted, Jesus did what God wanted (Matthew 26:36-39). He followed the path of the cross to reveal the unstoppable power of Divine life and love (Philippians 2:5-8).

Have you considered how life might be more meaningful and purposeful if you took your self less seriously and God more seriously?

Yours in Christ,


(You can read the previous lesson at )