Pastor’s Corner – December 12, 2024
Did you know that religious affiliation continues to be in decline in the United States? Gallup polling reported that in 2000 42% of American adults attended worship regularly. In 2023 that number dropped to 30%. It is little wonder that today the average church in America reports average attendance of just 50 congregants.
No need to panic. It is the reality that we have been adjusting to for several years at Friedens. Our focus is on our mission of sharing the love of Christ with everyone, with a special emphasis of serving children and young people in our community. We have welcomed new members because we are a Just Peace and Open and Affirming congregation. We have new partnerships with the Cooperative Play Academy and St. Barnabas. We have hosted three Chin congregations who needed a temporary place to worship. We have sponsored community events like the recent Growing Gratitude program, featured in the Spirit and Place Festival, and we have sponsored a booth at Greenwood PRIDE. We have also received leadership training and a planning grant through Sacred Spaces IN. And recently, the congregation approved capital improvement projects for 2025 to ensure people can come and go safely in our church campus.
Like most other congregations we have fewer members, but the good news at Friedens—we have more disciples of Jesus. Those of us at Friedens UCC today are deeply committed to the way of Christ. Our church staff and council continue to pray and work to be vital in this new era. If you would like to get more involved in this effort please reach out to our Congregational President, Sheila Denman, at, or our Vice President, Bobby Dake, at
Yours in Christ,